Clockwork Stars is a dystopian novel with steampunk elements. The story takes place on New Earth, a world that people have escaped to after devastating their home planet. Something strange has happened here.
This story I’ve written is the winner of the November Science Fiction Microstory Contest. It had to deal with a change of seasons, mention gemstones and ancestors and be no longer than 750 words. It’s surprisingly difficult to write such a short story, but I had a lot of fun.
The Obelisk Gate is the second book in ‘The Broken Earth’ trilogy, and a winner of the Hugo award as well. It’s not meant as a standalone, so, if you haven’t read the The Fifth Season yet, check it out first.
Okay, I have to say right away, I feel like it’s more fantasy than sci-fi, but it was recommended on a podcast as sci-fi, and once I’ve started reading it, I couldn’t stop. I believe it can be classified as science fantasy though — a mixed genre that combines elements of science fiction and fantasy.
This is definitely one of the classics that has a huge international fandom, but I only discovered it a couple of years ago. Those were the first sci-fi books by a female author, Lois McMaster Bujold, that I’ve read, and they got me completely hooked.
I’ve loved reading since I was a child. I took a book with me everywhere I went, and whenever I finished one, I immediately started a new one.